Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Blackwell-Wiley Update

Blackwell Synergy Journals have moved to Wiley InterScience

As of Monday, June 30, 2008, 1.6 million Blackwell journal articles—including full-text HTML and PDF versions of articles from current issues, backfiles, and issues published online before print—are available through Wiley InterScience. Blackwell Synergy is no longer online.

We are working hard to ensure a smooth transition for all customers and users, and thank you for your patience during this time of change. Following is a list of the known issues which we are working on as a top priority:

* OpenURL links — These are currently not redirecting at the journal level but instead default to the Wiley InterScience homepage. We expect this to be resolved within a few days.
* Athens authentication — We are working on resolving this.
* Access to some subscribed titles is not set up — Submit your request to our Customer Services team here: interscience.wiley.com/support
* Missing content — see below for the list of content which we are still working on uploading onto Wiley InterScience.
* DOIs — if these do not resolve correctly to the appropriate article, it may be because we have not yet loaded that article.
